MBTA Zoning

Technical Assistance

CHAPA’s MBTA Zoning Technical Assistance provides municipalities with the tools and guidance to navigate new zoning regulations required by the MBTA Communities Law.

Passed in 2021, the innovative MBTA Communities Law aims to address Massachusetts’ housing shortage by allowing modest types of housing, like duplexes, triple-deckers, and other multi-family housing, near transit. The law also centers equity by requiring homes suitable for families with children.

92% of communities that participated in CHAPA’s TA program have approved an MBTA Communities District, compared to an 75% passage rate of communities that did not participate.

Since 2023, we’ve helped over 70 communities work on their zoning plans through this program. Please contact Will Rhatigan (wrhatigan@chapa.org) to learn more about how CHAPA can help.