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Wendy H. Cohen, Manager
Consultant Phone:
Cell Phone:
Agency Name:
New Seasons Development LLC
P.O. Box 155
Hudson, 01749
United States
Agency Description:
New Seasons Development LLC (New Seasons) is a real estate development consulting firm based in Hudson, Massachusetts. Established in 2014 and led by its Manager, Wendy Cohen, New Seasons provides consulting services throughout eastern Massachusetts to non-profit, municipal and for-profit clients to assist in the development of affordable housing. New Seasons offers an array of consulting services including financial modeling, rehabilitation, relocation and construction planning and monitoring, project management and close-out services. Specific assistance is offered to clients, including the following: - due diligence related to acquisition, zoning, environmental and other matters, - financial structuring and feasibility analysis, - completion of funding applications, - housing design, site planning and sustainable development, - rehabilitation or construction management, and - compliance with zoning and financing requirements, include those of Chapter 40B permitting and of various financing programs, as needed.
Service Area:
Eastern Massachusetts
Housing Development:
Affordable Homeownership Development
Rental Development
Special Needs Housing
Other Expertise
Public and Private Sector Experience;
Low Income Housing Tax Credits; and
40B Development
Organizational Development & Planning:
Program Services:
Land Use Planning & Zoning
Program Support: