
Please reach out to Director of Communications & Events, Jenna Connolly at, with any press inquiries or interview requests.

Is this the fix for Massachusetts’ housing crisis?

US moves backward amid steps to closeracial gap in homeownership

“We have generational wealth being created by those who had access to homeownership,”Gasser said. “And all the economic benefit that comes from that system perpetuates itself,and unless you’re going to create the supply necessary to create affordable new entrypoints, it’s going to be very difficult to narrow the racial homeownership gap.”

Healey unveils comprehensive housing plan, “just what the state needs”

Healey unveils comprehensive housing plan, “just what the state needs”

“It’s a very holistic look at what we need to move forward,” said Jenna Connolly, director of communications and events at the Citizens’ Housing & Planning Association. “It doesn’t just focus on one part of the industry. It really just lays out like this is everything we need in order to have the future we want for Massachusetts.”

Is this the fix for Massachusetts’ housing crisis?

Needham voters just rejected the town’s state-mandated housing plan. Now what?

The Boston Globe
“As disappointing as the vote in Needham is, the overwhelming trend in Massachusetts is unchanged: cities and towns are consistently giving the green light to more housing because voters know that the future of our commonwealth depends on investing in housing,” Rachel Heller, the group’s chief executive, said in a statement.”

State Supreme Court rules MBTA Communities Act is constitutional, can be enforced

Boston Agent Magazine
Rachel Heller, chief executive officer of the Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association, called the decision a “big win.” “When we say yes to more housing in our communities, like the 116 communities already in compliance have, we are closer to creating the 200,000 homes we need by 2030 and the Massachusetts we all want and deserve.”