12 Jun 05:00 PM
Until 12 Jun, 08:30 PM 3h 30m

CHAPA's 58th Annual Dinner

Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC)

Register your sponsorship through the button on this page or commit your pledge by emailing Sam Pereira at spereira@chapa.org. Early bird prices for all sponsorship levels will be available for pledge or payment through April 4th, 2025. We will accept payments of pledges through the fall as needed, so commit a pledge today and save with early bird rates!

Early Bird Pricing
Early bird prices will be available through April 4th, 2025. Pledge at the Contributor, Supporter, or Sponsor level before the deadline, and receive special recognition on CHAPA’s social media! All pledges made before April 4th, 2025 will be honored at the early bird rate.

Early bird prices are:

  • Individual ticket: $250
  • Contributor: $1,500 (5 tickets)
  • Supporter: $3,000 (10 tickets)
  • Sponsor: $5,500 (10 tickets, preferred seating, logo recognition)

On April 5, 2025, prices will increase. These rates are:

  • Individual ticket: $275
  • Contributor: $2,000 (5 tickets)
  • Supporter: $3,500 (10 tickets)
  • Sponsor: $6,000 (10 tickets, preferred seating, logo recognition)

For assistance registering or pledging a sponsorship, please contact Sam Pereira at spereira@chapa.org. If the individual ticket price is a hardship, please contact Sam to inquire about reduced admission or a complimentary ticket.

Register Now