Featured News

Statewide Housing Plan Calls For 220,000 New Homes
A result of more than a year of engagement with stakeholders and the work of the Housing Advisory Committee, Governor...
Governor Healey Releases FY2026 Budget Proposal
Today, Governor Healey unveiled her budget proposal for...
CHAPA Announces 2025-26 Priority State Legislation
Friday marked an important date in the new legislative...
Housing News
CHAPA Names Jennifer Gilbert as Musicant Cohen Executive Director of Housing Policy Action Center
Last summer, CHAPA announced the Musicant Cohen Family Fund’s generous $1 million gift to launch the new CHAPA Housing Policy Action Center. Today, we’re pleased to name Jennifer Gilbert as the first Musicant Cohen Executive Director of the Center. Jennifer brings...
Sens Warren and Markey Accepting Approps Requests for FY2026
Through Friday, March 31, senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey will be accepting preliminary requests for Congressionally-Directed Spending (CDS) for Massachusetts-based projects in the FY2026 federal budget. See below for communication from their offices: Good...
First Round of MBTA Communities Catalyst Fund Awards Released
On March 13, the Healey-Driscoll administration released its first round of ten awards from the new MBTA Communities Catalyst Fund. These grants support activities related to housing development for communities that have committed to creating more homes for their...
NLIHC Releases 2025 Gap Report: What it Means for Massachusetts
The latest Gap Report from NLIHC underscores the ongoing need for investment in affordable housing while highlighting Massachusetts' relative strength compared to other states. Thanks to strong commitments to public housing, rental assistance, and homelessness...
Legislature Makes Committee Assignments For 2025-26 Session
The legislative work in the State House got fully underway on February 25 with the appointment of committee chairs and committee members. For the Joint Committee on Housing, Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka made significant changes with the...
Unlocking Housing Production Commission Report Released
Two weeks after the release of the Statewide Housing Plan, the Unlocking Housing Production commission completed its work with the release of a range of policy recommendations designed to facilitate the creation of the homes Massachusetts needs to thrive. ...
Statewide Housing Plan Calls For 220,000 New Homes
A result of more than a year of engagement with stakeholders and the work of the Housing Advisory Committee, Governor Healey released A Home for Everyone: Massachusetts' Statewide Housing Plan on February 6. A priority for CHAPA, the Affordable Homes Act included a...
CHAPA Submits Comments on Proposed 40B Regulatory Changes
In December, the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) extended the deadline to submit public comments on proposed regulatory changes to Chapter 40B, Massachusetts' affordable housing law. Since its enactment, 40B has been one of the most...
EOHLC Releases Final (Unofficial) ADU Regulations
Following the end of a public comment period that ended earlier this month, the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) has released final regulations related to definitions and details about the administration of the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)...
Governor Healey Releases FY2026 Budget Proposal
Today, Governor Healey unveiled her budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2026. CHAPA is pleased that during what is shaping up to be a challenging fiscal year, this legislation largely maintains the Commonwealth’s commitment to investing in housing, with increases put...