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Housing News
DHCD Increases Maximum Benefit for LIHEAP Fuel Assistance
On April 20, 2022, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released new increased benefit levels for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). LIHEAP provides eligible households with help in paying a portion of winter heating bills....
Baker-Polito Administration Announces $63 Million for Affordable Housing
On April 14, the Baker-Polito Administration announced affordable housing awards for 15 projects in 14 communities across the Commonwealth. According to the Governor's press release, the $63 million in awards will result in the creation or preservation of 697 rental...
House Ways & Means Releases Budget Proposal for FY2023
On April 13, the House Committee on Ways and Means (HWM) released its FY2023 state budget proposal. The budget would provide increased funding for many of CHAPA’s affordable housing priorities, including the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, the Alternative...
Governor Baker Awards $63 Million for Affordable Housing
On April 14, 2022, the Baker-Polito Administration announced affordable housing awards for 15 projects located in 14 communities across the Commonwealth. According to the Governor's press release, the awards will produce or preserve 697 rental homes with 479...
Update on Emergency Rental Assistance Programs
On April 15, the state will stop accepting applications for the federally funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) and Subsidized Housing Emergency Rental Assistance (SHERA) program as these federal funds are depleted. Residents can still apply online for the...
CHAPA’s FY2023 State Budget Priorities
The following chart depicts CHAPA's current FY2023 state budget priorities for affordable housing, community development, and homelessness development programs. The chart also highlights funding levels in the current fiscal year (FY2022) and the proposed funding...
Governor Signs Supplemental Budget with $100 Million for Emergency Rental Assistance
On April 1, Governor Baker signed a supplemental state budget for FY2022 that $100 million in additional funding for emergency rental assistance through the RAFT program. The budget also extends renter protections through March 31, 2023, that pauses eviction cases for...
CHAPA Comments on Draft Guidelines for MBTA Communities
CHAPA's Comments on Draft Guidelines for MBTA Communities submitted to the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development on March 31, 2022. Dear Secretary Kennealy, On behalf of Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA), I am writing to share CHAPA’s...
Supplemental Budget with $100 Million for Emergency Rental Assistance Advances in Legislature
On Thursday March 24th, the Massachusetts Senate will be debating the FY2022 Supplemental budget proposal (S.2776). The Senate Ways & Means proposal includes $100 million for rental assistance through the Rental Assistance for Families in Transition Program (RAFT)...
Sign-on Letter Supporting ARPA Proposal for Zero Carbon Renovation Fund
Please join CHAPA in signing a letter in support of a proposed Zero Carbon Renovation Fund to allocate $250 million of the state's ARPA funds to rapidly renovate the Commonwealth’s existing buildings to zero carbon. SIGN THE ZERO CARBON RENOVATION FUND LETTER This...