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Housing News

MA House Debates, Approves Housing Bond Bill

Late on Wednesday evening, the House of Representatives passed the 2023 Housing Bond Bill by a vote of  145-13.   During a debate that started at 1pm, representatives considered more than 300 amendments to the legislation and made significant improvements to what is...

Today Is The Day!

Happy House Bond Bill Day to everyone!   Today is the day!  The House of Representatives is scheduled to convene today at 11, with debate and roll call votes on the Ways and Means Committee's draft of the Housing Bond Bill to begin at 1.  As a final reminder, all...

One Day To Go – Ask Your Rep To Cosponsor These Amendments!

One more day until the full House consideration of the Housing Bond Bill and one day until CHAPA's advocacy action at the State House!  (Not to mention one day until CHAPA's Annual Celebration ...) Yesterday, representatives filed more than 370 amendments to...

And We’re Off: Housing Bond Bill Week Begins!

(Don't forget to register for CHAPA's Housing Bond Bill Advocacy Action on Wednesday at 12:30pm!)   On Monday morning, the wait for the Legislature's response to the Governor's Affordable Homes Act came to an end.  The House Ways and Means Committee...

Senate Passes FY 25 Budget – On To Conference Committee

Late last Thursday evening (or technically very early Friday morning), the Senate passed its final FY 2025 budget.  When the Legislature began consideration of the budget earlier this spring, many had grave concerns about the impact that lower than expected revenue...

Priority Amendments in the FY 25 Senate Budget

On Tuesday, the Senate is scheduled to begin its consideration of the FY 2025 state operating budget.  Earlier this month, senators filed 1,100 amendments to the Senate Ways and Means proposal, including CHAPA's priority amendments below.  Please contact your...

EOHLC Continues Listening Sessions on Statewide Housing Plan

Last month, the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities, along with members of the Housing Advisory Council, kicked off a series of listening sessions across Massachusetts to inform the development of a Statewide Housing Plan.  To date, EOHLC has held four...