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Housing News
DHCD Submits Final Neighborhood Stabilization Plan to HUD – December 1, 2008
DHCD’s comprehensive plan for assistance through HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) contains a combination of centralized resources (a statewide loan fund for acquisition, receivership assistance program, mortgage product support, etc) and targeted...
DHCD Submits Final Neighborhood Stabilization Plan to HUD – December 1, 2008
DHCD’s comprehensive plan for assistance through HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) contains a combination of centralized resources (a statewide loan fund for acquisition, receivership assistance program, mortgage product support, etc) and targeted...
MHP Awards Nearly $4M to Non‐Profit, Community‐Based Housing Organizations – September 22, 2008
In its continuing effort to support affordable housing production in Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) has awarded nearly $4 million in grants to non‐profit and community - based development organizations across the state. Please click here to...
BOSTON, Dec. 30, 2008 --- A new report released by MHP finds that the three most important factors in determining metro area employment growth are how much housing the region builds, its success in attracting new residents, and the extent to which it is dependent on...
DHCD Releases NOFA for Gateway Cities Planning Grants – September 17, 2008
The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is making up to $2 million available to communities under the Gateway Plus Action Grant to support local planning efforts to expand housing opportunities for the Commonwealth's residents, resulting in...
Governor Patrick Announces $50.3 Million to 10 Projects for Housing Tax Credit Exchange Program – October 15, 2009
GOVERNOR PATRICK ANNOUNCES $50.3 MILLION IN RECOVERY FUNDS TO REVIVE STALLED HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS U.S. Treasury’s tax credit exchange funds to restart 10 projects, create jobs BOSTON – Thursday, October 15, 2009 – As part of the Patrick-Murray Administration’s...
Patrick Administration Proposes Changes to Emergency Shelter Eligibility (MCH) – February 2, 2009
On January 28, 2009, the Patrick Administration notified the Legislature of an anticipated budget deficit in line item 4403-2120, the Emergency Assistance (EA) Family Shelter and Services account. As a result, the administration has proposed eight changes to the...
National Letter to Congress on the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program – February 2, 2009
Massachusetts is facing a housing crisis similar to the rest of the country. Affordable housing developers that have already received tax credit allocations have run into great difficulties in securing necessary investors because of the economic downturn. There is now...
President Obama Nominates Sandra Henriquez as HUD Assistant Secretary of Public and Indian Housing – April 10, 2009
WASHINGTON, DC – On April 10, 2009 President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals for key administration posts: Larry EchoHawk, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior; Sandra Henriquez, Assistant Secretary...
CHAPA Summary of Housing Provisions of Final Stimulus Bill – February 13, 2009
Please click here to read CHAPA's 5-page summary of Housing Provisions of the Final Stimulus Bill.