The State Senate concluded debate on its Economic Development Bill late Thursday evening. The Senate adopted the following housing related sections by amendment.





Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

Allows ADUs to be built by-right in every municipality

Eviction Record Sealing

Allows certain eviction records to be sealed. Specifically, provides that:

  • Tenants facing a no-fault eviction or who satisfy their judgments can seal their records after the conclusion of the case.
  • A court may, at its discretion, process such petitions administratively without a hearing and the petition shall be on a form furnished by the trial court
  • Sealed records are available to parties
  • Tenant screening companies cannot report a sealed case

STASH Program

Funding for Massachusetts Affordable Housing Alliance’s STASH program to serve first generation homebuyers


Permanent Supportive Housing for Human Trafficking Survivors

Funding for supportive housing for survivors of human trafficking


Acquisition of Small Properties

Acquisition funds for 1–8 unit properties to create affordable housing; funded through the Housing Stabilization Trust Fund


Fair Housing Study

Funding to support a fair housing study to help eradicate racial discrimination in housing to be managed through CHAPA


The other housing related sections from the Senate Ways and Means Economic Development Bill remained unchanged.

Comparison of Housing Related Sections in House and Senate Economic Development Bill

A conference committee will now reconcile the differences between the House and Senate Bills before sending a final bill to the Governor for his signature or vetoes. The Legislature will be unable to override any vetoes because the legislative session ends on July 31st which is before the Governor is required to take action on the bill.