On May 18, Governor Baker filed a $1.7 billion FY2022 supplemental budget (H.4802). According to the Governor’s press release, the budget contains $310 million for housing development. It proposes $200 million for workforce housing, $100 million for public housing redevelopment in Boston, Cambridge, Salem, and Worcester, and $10 million to increase permanent supportive housing for individuals and families experiencing chronic homelessness.

The bill is supported by state tax revenues that exceed FY22 benchmarks through April by $4.23 billion.

The supplemental budget is now before the House Committee on Ways and Means.

The following is language from the supplemental budget on housing programs:

Workforce Housing
7004-9321 – For grants, loans or other financial assistance to support the production of rental, or for-sale, housing that is affordable for households with incomes between 60% and 120% of area median income; provided, that funds shall be prioritized for projects located in communities in Barnstable, Berkshire, Dukes and Nantucket Counties to support the production of year-round housing units suitable for permanent occupancy by individuals and families challenged to find year-round housing; provided further, that the short-term rental of such year-round housing units produced with this appropriation in the aforementioned counties shall be prohibited; and provided further, that such grants, loans or other financial assistance may be administered through one or both of the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency and the Massachusetts Housing Partnership…..$200,000,000

Public Housing Redevelopment
7004-9323 – For grants to local housing authorities for the redevelopment of public housing; provided, that the grants shall require a local match as determined by the department of housing and community development; provided further, that up to $50,000,000 shall be expended for the Mary Ellen McCormack Public Housing Community in the city of Boston; provided further, that not less than $16,000,000 shall be expended for the Mildred C. Hailey Apartments in the city of Boston; provided further, that not less than $12,500,000 shall be expended for Leefort Terrace in the city of Salem; provided further, that not less than $11,000,000 shall be expended for Jefferson Park in the city of Cambridge; provided further, that not less than $10,500,000 shall be expended for Curtis Apartments in the city of Worcester; provided further, that the department may exempt a recipient of grants from this item from the requirements of chapters 7C and 121B of the General Laws upon a showing by the recipient that such exemptions are necessary to accomplish the effective revitalization of public housing and shall not adversely affect public housing residents or applicants of any income who are otherwise eligible; and provided further, that the department may provide to recipients of grants from this item such additional regulatory relief as may be required to further the objectives of public housing redevelopment, including pursuit of complementary funding sources to ensure preservation as permanently affordable housing……$100,000,000

Supportive Housing
7004-9324 – For a reserve to support the commonwealth’s financing of permanent supportive housing for individuals, youth and young adults, and families experiencing homelessness; provided, that the reserve shall be administered by the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation; and provided further, that funds shall be expended in the form of grants or loans to permanent supportive housing projects serving the populations identified in this item to cover recurring project operating and service costs……$10,000,000