On April 20, 2022, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released new increased benefit levels for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LIHEAP provides eligible households with help in paying a portion of winter heating bills. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of every household member, 18 years of age or older. Residents can apply online at https://toapply.org/MassLIHEAP or call 800-632-8175 to find their local agency.
The maximum benefit for oil-heat and propane-heat households is $2,100, and the newly increased maximum benefit for those who heat with natural gas or electricity – or whose heat is included in rent – is now $1,525.
The deadline for filing an application for LIHEAP assistance is Friday, May 13.
Households whose heat is included in their rent – or those who don’t pay for heat directly – are eligible for LIHEAP. The program pays a portion of the tenant’s rent.
Also, some, but not all, public and subsidized tenants are eligible for LIHEAP. Even though eligibility rules for subsidized households are complicated, those households who may be eligible should apply. The local agency that takes applications will determine eligibility.