On August 25, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) released a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for potential supportive housing projects.
According to the NOFA, DHCD will make up to $16 million in National Housing Trust Fund capital funds available during the December 2021 competition. About 100 project-based MRVPs also will be available, with the potential of $1,500 per unit per year in service funding attached to each MRVP.
These supportive housing developments will target homeless families and individuals, veterans, unaccompanied homeless youth, seniors with service needs, and individuals with substance use disorders. Projects intended to serve homeless families will have high priority during the December 2021 funding competition.
Sponsors interested in participating in the December 2021 funding competition must submit a pre-application to the Department through the on-line Mass OneStop+ system on or before October 14, 2021. Full funding applications will be due December 9, 2021.
DHCD will hold an information session in September for developers with projects that may be eligible. Please contact Terry Farmer at Theresa.farmer@mass.gov if you would like to join the information session.