During the early hours of April 29, the Massachusetts House of Representatives concluded debate on its FY2022 state budget proposal. The budget includes strong investments in CHAPA’s affordable housing priorities. The House proposed increases for Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP), Alternative Housing Voucher Program, Public Housing, Housing Consumer Education Centers, the Tenancy Preservation Program, and DMH Rental Subsidies.
The House also included an important program change for RAFT which will allow applicants to access up to $10,000 in emergency housing assistance beyond the COVID-19 emergency. The House budget also allows families to access the maximum benefits for both RAFT and HomeBASE, if eligible.
Unfortunately, the amendments advocated for by CHAPA on MRVP, HomeBASE, and Community Preservation Act recording fees for affordable housing were not adopted during the budget debate. CHAPA thanks all the Representatives who sponsored and co-sponsored these amendments.
Thanks to Speaker Mariano, House Ways and Means Chair Michlewitz, and all House members for supporting affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development resources in the final House FY2022 state budget proposal!
The State Senate will debate its budget proposal this May. Please stay tuned on the next steps for the senate budget advocacy!
Table of FY2022 Priorities in House Budget