In the early morning of January 6, the Legislature sent its final Economic Development bill (H.5250) to the Governor. The bill includes many transformative housing policies that CHAPA and our partners have advocated for, including Housing Choice, zoning for multi-family housing in MBTA communities, expanding the state Low Income Housing Tax Credit, and other provisions that will allow more Massachusetts residents to have safe, healthy, and affordable homes in communities of their choice.
A shortage of affordable homes, decades of restrictive zoning, and a history of gentrification and redlining continue to perpetuate segregation in our state. The housing provisions in the Economic Development bill provide much-needed tools and resources for systemic change towards more equitable housing policy. With these tools, we can create more homes for people who need them while preventing displacement and promoting fair housing for all.
But our work isn’t over yet! The Governor now has ten days to sign or veto the bill.
Please help pass this bill by contacting the Governor TODAY to ask him to quickly sign the Economic Development bill with all housing provisions!
You can use the following script in your message to the Governor:
I am writing to ask that you quickly sign the Economic Development Bill and include important housing provisions. As thousands of households are struggling to find and stay in their homes, these housing provisions would allow communities the chance to create more affordable housing opportunities for all, avoid displacement of long-time residents, and start to undo the unjust policies that create and perpetuate segregation. Massachusetts needs these critical policies and resources to ensure everyone has a safe, healthy, and affordable place to call home. Thank you!
As always, thank you for your advocacy and for your support of CHAPA’s priorities.
For a full summary of the housing-related provisions in the bill, visit CHAPA’s post on the legislation.