On January 27, 2021, Governor Baker released his $45.6 billion state budget for FY2022 (H.1), which begins on July 1, 2021. According to Governor Baker, the budget would support the ongoing public health response to COVID-19 while reducing total state spending.
The proposal would rely on a $1.6 billion draw from the state’s rainy day fund. The current state budget relied on a $1.7 billion draw from the rainy day fund. The fund is expected to have a balance of $2.5 billion at the start of FY2022. The Baker Administration said that if the federal government makes more relief funding available to states or if tax collections improve, the use of rainy day fund money in fiscal 2022 would be reduced.
The Governor’s proposal includes cuts to many affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development priorities, including to rental assistance programs, public housing, RAFT, and HomeBASE.
For more information on the Governor’s budget proposal for affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development programs:
The budget process now turns to the Massachusetts Housing of Representatives. The House is expected to release its FY2022 budget proposal in April.
CHAPA will be working to protect and expand affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development programs in the final FY2022 state budget to ensure that access to safe and affordable homes remain a critical part of our defense against and recovery from COVID-19.