On December 3, the Legislature sent their final FY2021 state budget bill to Governor Baker for his signature. The Governor now has 10 days to sign the budget, veto, or send items back to the Legislature with amendments.

The Legislature’s budget makes significant investments in permanent affordable housing programs, including $135 million for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, $12.5 million for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program, and $80 million for Public Housing. The budget also makes crucial investments in emergency rental assistance, providing $54.7 million for RAFT during a year when RAFT has been a lifeline for many struggling to make ends meet. Visit our website for a full summary of the housing-related items in the budget.

We are asking the Governor to quickly sign the budget without changes to secure increased funding for these critical affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development programs.

Please help us pass this budget by contacting the Governor TODAY and asking him to sign the budget quickly! 

You can use the following script in your message to the Governor:

I am writing to ask that you quickly sign the FY2021 state budget without changes to include critically needed resources for affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development programs. Please sign the budget to include funding for MRVP, AHVP, RAFT, public housing, housing consumer education centers, HomeBASE, and other affordable housing programs. As thousands of households risk losing their home due to COVID-19 and with thousands more already in emergency shelter, Massachusetts needs these resources to help everyone have a safe, healthy, and affordable place to call home. Thank you!

As always, thank you for your advocacy!