State Legislature Extends Period to Cosponsor Bills Until Feb. 11th – February 3, 2009

The House and Senate Clerks extended the period for legislators to cosponsor other legislator’s bills until Wednesday, February 11th. CHAPA members interested in securing cosponsors for affordable housing legislation will now have an additional week to contact legislators to request co-sponsorship. Interested legislators should contact the lead sponsor of each bill to sign on as a cosponsor

Governor Vetoes Funding for Public Housing and RAFT; CHAPA Seeks Legislative Override – June 30, 2009

On June 29 , the Governor signed a $27.046 billion FY 2010 budget. The Governor vetoed $364 million from the Legislature’s Budget, of which $217 million is a technical change until county corrections reform legislation is signed into law and $147 million are line-item spending reductions. The Governor announced that he plans on filing a supplemental budget in the approximate amount of these spending reductions to meet unmet needs of state government not included in the Legislature’s FY 2010 budget.

Please click here to read the full summary.

Request for Responses for Regional Networks to End Homelessness – September 25, 2008

The Interagency Council on Housing and Homelessness announces a Request for Responses for the Regional Network Innovations to End Homelessness. This initiative offers an exciting opportunity to partner with the Commonwealth to implement innovative strategies that will inform new and emerging statewide housing approaches to ending homelessness.

Please click here for the full RFR document.