DHCD Releases NOFA for Gateway Cities Planning Grants – September 17, 2008

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is making up to $2 million available to communities under the Gateway Plus Action Grant to support local planning efforts to expand housing opportunities for the Commonwealth’s residents, resulting in revitalization that creates and restores vibrant mixed-income neighborhoods. The resulting plan and proposed actions should reflect a shared vision of a neighborhood improvement strategy, emphasizing housing needs, quality of life, and ongoing steps to sustain and enhance community and civic engagement.

Please click here to view the full announcement on DHCD’s website.

Governor Patrick Announces Rental Housing Development Awards – April, 3, 2009

CHELSEA – Friday, April 03, 2009 – As part of his Massachusetts Recovery Plan to secure the state’s economic future, Governor Deval Patrick today announced he will target $108 million from several state and federal affordable housing programs and tax credits to help support 39 affordable rental housing projects, yielding more than 2,000 affordable housing units across Massachusetts, while helping to create thousands of jobs.

Please click here to read the full press release and view the full award list.

Fannie Mae to End Tenant Evictions in Foreclosures – December 15, 2008

From the Wall Street Journal – Fannie Mae is finalizing a national policy that will allow tenants to remain in their homes even if their landlord goes into foreclosure – a landmark decision for tenants.

The policy will be in effect Jan. 9, Fannie Mae said Sunday, and reflects growing pressure on the mortgage company from a legal-aid group that threatened to sue over recent evictions. The company said it will also ensure its current holiday moratorium on new evictions is being followed until the new policy takes effect.

Full article from the Wall Street Journal.

MA Asset Development Commission Releases Progress Report – April 22, 2009

In this progress report, the Commission begins to outline strategies that remove barriers to asset building and aid families in acquiring and maintaining assets. The administrative and legislative actions already put into motion will make significant strides toward greater financial stability for low and moderate income families.

Link to report: http://www.mass.gov/Ehed/docs/dhcd/adc/progressreport.pdf