Baker Administration Announces Housing Choice Awards & Designations

CDC Extends Eviction Moratorium through June 30th

On March 29, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) extended its federal moratorium on evictions for non-payment of rent until June 30. This moratorium will help keep millions of renters stably housed during the pandemic and prevent further spread of and deaths from COVID-19. The White House has issued an eviction moratorium fact sheet, which indicates that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) will launch a new effort to increase awareness of the moratorium’s protections. The CFPB and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) will enforce penalties against landlords who violate the order.

Former Rep. Marcia Fudge Confirmed as HUD Secretary

On Wednesday, March 10th, the Senate voted 66-34 to confirm former Representative Marcia Fudge (D-OH-11) as secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Secretary Fudge becomes the first Black woman in decades to head the agency and will be charged with addressing the challenges of America’s housing crisis that have been worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic.

CHAPA and the New England Housing Network look forward to working with Secretary Fudge and HUD to provide safe, healthy, and affordable homes for our families in Massachusetts and across the region.

Congress Passes $1.9 Trillion American Rescue Plan of 2021

On Wednesday, March 10th, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan of 2021. In total, the bill contains $1.9 trillion in comprehensive COVID-19 relief, including $1,400 stimulus checks, extension of unemployment insurance, and direct aid to state and local governments.

The American Rescue Plan of 2021 also includes the following affordable housing resources:

  • $21.55 billion for the Emergency Rental Assistance program;
  • $9.96 billion to establish a Homeowner Assistance Fund that would be administered by the Treasury Department;
  • $5 billion for homelessness assistance and supportive services;
  • $5 billion in emergency housing vouchers;
  • $800 million to identify and provide children and youth experiencing homelessness with wrap-around services amid the pandemic;
  • $750 million for housing assistance and supportive services for Native Americans;
  • $100 million to assist tenants living in USDA-subsidized developments;
  • $100 million for housing counseling;
  • $39 million for direct loans made under Section 502 and 504; and
  • $20 million for the Fair Housing Initiative Program.

President Biden is expected to sign the legislation into law before the end of the week.

DHCD Announces $34 Million in CDBG Awards