Treasury Department Releases Details on Public Private Partnership Investment Program – March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009 – U.S. Department of the Treasury – Over the past six weeks, the Treasury Department has implemented a series of initiatives as part of its Financial Stability Plan that – alongside the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – lay the foundations for economic recovery.

Please click here to read the details of the Treasury Department’s initiatives.

National Low Income Housing Coalition Releases 2009 Out of Reach Report – April 14, 2009

Despite the emphasis on homeownership and the marginalization of renters, renter households still make up fully one-third of the households in the United States — more than 36 million households. Out of Reach is a side-by-side comparison of wages and rents in every county, Metropolitan Area (MSAs/HMFAs), combined nonmetropolitan area and state in the United States. For each jurisdiction, the report calculates the amount of money a household must earn in order to afford a rental unit at a range of sizes (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 bedrooms) at the area’s Fair Market Rent (FMR), based on the generally accepted affordability standard of paying no more than 30% of income for housing costs.

Please click here to view NLIHC’s 2009 Out of Reach Report.

Please click here to view Massachusetts-specific data.