HUD-DOE Announce Weatherization Agreement – May 7, 2009

HUD and the Department of Energy (DOE) have announced an interagency agreement that will help pave the way for the Weatherization of HUD assisted and LIHTC properties. DOE has concluded that existing income verification procedures for HUD assisted, public housing, and LIHTC properties are sufficient for determining eligibility for the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). This agreement reduces a significant administrative obstacle to improving the energy efficiency and livability of these homes.

Please click here to read the Memorandum of Understanding between the two departments.

Joint Statement on Citigroup by US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC – November 25, 2008

The U.S. Government on Sunday entered into an agreement with Citigroup to provide a package of guarantees, liquidity access and capital. As part of that agreement, Treasury and the FDIC will provide protection against the possibility of unusually large losses on an asset pool of approximately $306 billion of loans and securities backed by commerical and residential real estate and other such assets.

Click here for the full statement.