Congressman Frank Files TARP for Main Street Bill – July 6, 2009

Congressman Frank filed The TARP for Main Street bill (HR 3068) the last week in June, which calls for funding for NSP 3, among other things.  A brief summary is below:

TARP for Main Street Bill

Housing Trust Fund – Sec. 2

Capitalizes the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund to fund the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable housing.

Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) – Sec. 3

Provides additional funding for NSP which enables states and local governments to purchase and rehabilitate foreclosed properties.

Emergency Mortgage Relief – Sec. 4

Provides funding for emergency loans and assistance to homeowners behind on their mortgage payments because they lost their jobs and who have a reasonable prospect that they will be able resume full mortgage payments.

Assistance for Troubled Multifamily Properties – Sec. 5

Funds efforts to stabilize mortgages for multifamily properties which are in default or foreclosure, or have recently been foreclosed.

Please click here for further detail on the Bill.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Announce Streamlined Loan Modification Program – November 12, 2008

The Federal Housing Finance Agency announced a new program designed to greatly reduce preventable foreclosures with a simplified, streamlined loan modification program to get struggling homeowners into mortgages that they can afford. FHFA believes it is an achievable goal if homeowners, banks, mortgage servicers, investors, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac all work together.

Please click here to view the full press release announcing the program.