Obama Administration Launches New Consumer Website For Responsible Homeowners Seeking Relief – March 19, 2009

Washington, DC – The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) today launched a new website for consumers seeking information about the Obama Administration’s Making Home Affordable loan modification and refinancing program. MakingHomeAffordable.gov offers features including interactive self-assessment tools that will empower borrowers to determine if they’re eligible to participate and calculate the monthly mortgage payment reductions they could stand to realize under the Making Home Affordable program.

Please click here to view the full Press Release.

Census Bureau Releases Three-Year Estimates (2005-2007) from American Community Survey – December 9, 2008

From the U.S. Census Bureau – For the past several years the Census Bureau has released data products from the American Community Survey (ACS) in the form of 1-year estimates. These estimates were based on data collected in a single calendar year and describe the average characteristics for that specific year. For example, the 2006 ACS estimates generally describe the average social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics for calendar year 2006. Beginning in December 2008, the Census Bureau introduces ACS multiyear estimates, specifically 3-year estimates. These estimates are based on data collected over a 3-year period of time and therefore they describe the average characteristics for that 3-year time period.  Both ACS 1-year and 3-year estimates can be accessed using the American FactFinder (AFF).

Please click here to view more information about these estimated from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Statement Regarding the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program Proposed Budget Cuts – April 15, 2009

The budget released by the House Committee on Ways and Means would cut the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program (MRVP) by 45 percent from $33,047,000 appropriated in FY’09 to 17,997,061 proposed in FY’10. MRVP assists 5,200 low income households with rental assistance. The average income of households served by this program is less than $11,000. Almost all (79%) households are extremely low income and many have incomes below 15% of area median. About 2,300 of these households include children under 18.

Please click here for the full statement.

Massachusetts Economy Entering A Recession (MassBenchmarks) – December 4, 2008

From MassBenchmarks: Massachusetts Economy Entering Recession, Third Quarter Growth Revised Downward, Tough Times Ahead

The Massachusetts economy grew at an annual rate of 0.2 percent between September and October and was up 1.2 percent from October of last year according to the MassBenchmarks Current Economic Index. The current index is normalized to 100 in July 1987 and is calibrated to grow at the same rate as Massachusetts real gross state product over the 1978–2003 period.

The MassBenchmarks Leading Economic Index for October was -1.5 percent, and the three-month average for August through October was -1.0 percent. The leading index is a forecast of the growth in the current index over the next six months, expressed at an annual rate. Thus, it indicates that the economy is expected to contract at an annualized rate of 1.5 percent over the next six months (through April).

“The state’s economy is falling headlong into a recession,” noted MassBenchmarks co-editor and UMass Boston professor, Alan Clayton-Matthews. “October’s real product growth of 0.2 percent is simply a transition from positive but slowing growth in the third quarter to outright declines forthcoming in the current quarter and first quarter of next year,” he added.

Full Report.