HUD Terminates FHA Secure Program – January 5, 2009

Effective Dec. 31, FHA said it will not issue any new case numbers for lenders looking to refinance borrowers into FHASecure loans; HUD will honor any loans for which a lender has taken an application and requested a case number prior to Dec. 31, it said.

Please click here to read more.

CHAPA Launches New Massachusetts Accessible Housing Registry – December 11, 2008

CHAPA and the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) are pleased to announce a newly redesigned Mass Access Wesbite to help bridge the gap between residents in need of affordable, accessible housing and available apartments across the state. The updated site ( features a user-friendly design and an expanded database of affordable rental housing in Massachusetts, including accessible and adaptable homes for people with disabilities. Some of the key features of the Mass Access housing website include vacancy and waitlist information for all affordable rental housing in Massachusetts, particularly for people with disabilities, and an automated mapping feature to track the location of available units. Property owners and managers will now be able to log in to the registry and post available rental units and housing applications. At the same time, consumers will now be able to customize and save their housing searches and sign up for e-mail updates when new units become available. The redesign and redevelopment of MassAccess was funded jointly by MRC and MassHousing. Please click here to view the State’s full press release.