Solving the affordable housing crisis in Massachusettsrequires strong executive leadership that keeps affordable housing a top public policy priority. It also requires multiple strategies that meet a range of needs through both new production and preservation of existing rental and ownership housing for low and moderate income families and individuals, as well as establishing channels to facilitate the production of housing for all income levels.
In this policy paper, CHAPA recommends the following housing policy strategies to gubernatorial candidates:
1. Preserve Existing Private Subsidized Housing
2. Preserve and Revitalize State Public Housing
3. Preserve Chapter 40B
4. Increase the Production of Affordable Housing
5. End Homelessness/Expand Access to Housing
6. Minimize Foreclosures, Revitalize Neighborhoods, Sustain Homeownership
7. Collaborate with Municipalities to Support Housing and Planning Efforts
8. Promote Fair Housing, Accessibility and Choice 20
9. Support Community Development Corporations and Other Non-profits
Download the full document here.