CHAPA, joined by 11 other organizations, submitted comments on April 19 on the proposed federal rule on affirmatively furthering fair housing (AFFH).

CHAPA wrote that it is excited to see the attention and thoughtfulness paid to enhancing the 2015 AFFH Rule, including an emphasis on process, enforcement and transparency, and community engagement requirements. We see the success of this Rule resting on a confluence of factors including federal leadership, adequate resources to achieve goals, and a scalable and achievable framework to address structural inequities, barriers to opportunity, and disinvestment.

HUD’s reinstatement of and revisions to the 2015 AFFH Rule added important refinements and are a step in the right direction to ensuring implementation of a Final Rule as Congress initially intended. It is critical to ensure a framework for AFFH in our communities to address inequities in a way that will have a meaningful impact. We urge HUD to continue to work with critical partners as was done in developing this mandate.