Following Milton’s rejection of a new multifamily zoning plan, CHAPA applauds Attorney General Andrea Campbell’s leadership in pursuing legal action against the town of Milton. The AG’s lawsuit sends a clear message that municipalities unwilling to do their part in creating more diverse types of housing where families can thrive and that choose to fail to comply with the MBTA Communities Law will face consequences for their inaction.

At a time when people across income levels are feeling the pain of escalating home prices and rents, the status quo keeps Milton’s gates closed and limits opportunities for people to have homes they can afford in the neighborhoods they love. Milton’s vote impacts people, our region, and our economy.

For too long, zoning has been used to exclude people rather than expand opportunities for people. The MBTA Communities Law is a tool to begin to undo the harms of the past and enable choices for people regarding where they want and can afford to live.

Municipalities have a collective responsibility to ensure we are part of fostering a healthy and vibrant Commonwealth. Housing is the best investment every community can make for a strong future. CHAPA stands ready to support all MBTA Communities in complying with the law and allowing the multifamily housing we need for dynamic communities where kids can grow up near their grandparents, businesses thrive, renters can become homeowners, and people can stay in the neighborhoods they love.

Every city and town in Massachusetts is responsible for affirmatively furthering fair housing and creating more of the homes we need for everyone, and Milton is no exception.