CHAPA is pleased to announce that we are now providing technical assistance for community engagement to all interested MBTA Communities seeking to comply with the Multi-family Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities (Section 3A). Municipal staff, elected leaders, and board members are encouraged to apply. Participating communities will be divided into cohorts with comparable communities. These cohorts will meet monthly for direct support and peer to peer learning.

Cohorts will have access to a variety of resources, including one-on-one support from CHAPA’s MBTA Communities Engagement Manager. Areas of support could include meeting design and facilitation, effective messaging, graphic design, research, and much more depending on the needs of the participants.

Additionally, cohorts will have exclusive access to monthly webinars on topics such as casemaking and narrative change, strategizing for Town Meeting, press relations, designing walkable neighborhoods, and more.

Interested communities should fill out this form. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our MBTA Communities Engagement Manager directly at We look forward to working with you!