On July 8, 2021, the conference committee released for the FY2022 state budget released its conference report, which reconciled the differences between the House and Senate budget proposals.
For each of CHAPA’s priorities, the budget contains the higher appropriation amount from the versions passed by the House or Senate.
The conference budget makes language changes to several of CHAPA’s priorities including MRVP, AHVP, RAFT, and HomeBASE. This language analysis of CHAPA’s priorities in the FY2022 conference budget details the changes the budget makes compared with last year’s state budget.
The Hose and Senate are expected to quickly vote to accept the conference budget and send it to the Governor. He will have 10 days to sign the budget or send it back to the Legislature with vetoes or other recommendations.
CHAPA thanks Speaker Mariano, Senate President Spilka, Ways and Means Chairs Rep. MIchlewitz and Sen. Rodrigues, and other members of the budget conference committee for their strong support for these critical programs in the state budget.
Thanks also for everyone’s advocacy throughout the budget process!
Table with Overview of FY2022 Priorities in Conference Budget