On March 2, DHCD announced $34 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) awards to 41 communities. The awards will help will help cities and towns rehabilitate more than 350 homes, fund 17 infrastructure improvement projects, and support programming for children, teenagers, survivors of domestic violence, homeless individuals, and the elderly.
CDBG funds local community development activities with the stated goal of providing affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development.
CDBG Awards
AMESBURY will receive $550,000 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 10 units and an after school program for youth.
AMHERST will receive $825,000 for Mill Lane infrastructure improvements, housing authority modernization, microenterprise assistance to 25 businesses, and to provide support for a food pantry, youth mentoring, adult literacy, immigrant services and family stabilization services.
ATHOL will receive $800,000 for infrastructure improvements to Walnut Street neighborhood.
BLANDFORD will receive $449,825 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 12 units and to produce and ADA Transition plan.
BUCKLAND will receive $756,798 for infrastructure improvements to Lower Ashfield Street and to support a food pantry.
CHELSEA will receive $825,000 for Cherry Street road and sidewalk improvements, Chelsea Square Park improvements, housing rehabilitation assistance for 4 units and social service assistance to include youth services, ESOL and citizenship training.
CHESTER, HUNTINGTON, MIDDLEFIELD will receive $1,300,000 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 6 units, Prospect Street infrastructure improvements and social service assistance for domestic violence prevention, family health, elder services and to support a food pantry.
CHESTERFIELD, CUMMINGTON, GOSHEN, PERU, PLAINFIELD and WILLIAMSBURG, WORTHINGTON will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 16 units, design for a senior center and to provide childcare assistance, elder services and to support a food pantry.
DALTON, BECKETT, SHEFFIELD, STOCKBRIDGE will receive $1,298,304 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 20 units and to produce ADA Plans for Dalton, Beckett and Stockbridge.
DENNIS, BREWSTER, WELLFLEET will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 15 units and childcare assistance.
EASTHAMPTON will receive $800,000 for infrastructure improvements to Admiral Street neighborhood.
EDGARTOWN, AQUINNAH and WEST TISBURY will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 25 units and to provide childcare assistance.
EGREMONT, GREAT BARRINGTON, SANDISFIELD will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 29 units.
EVERETT will receive $825,000 to provide design for Chelsea Street playground improvements, a housing production plan, housing rehabilitation assistance for 11 units and social service assistance to include homelessness prevention, ESOL, youth services, elder services and a food pantry.
GARDNER will receive $825,000 for downtown infrastructure improvements, design for downtown infrastructure improvements and Park Street park improvements and social service assistance to include youth services, substance abuse service and domestic violence prevention services.
GREENFIELD will receive $825,000 for West Street infrastructure improvements, downtown revitalization planning and to support a food pantry, elder services and adult literacy.
HEATH AND HAWLEY will receive $876,713 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 16 units.
HOLLAND AND WALES will receive $582,200 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 12 units, design for Union Road infrastructure improvements and social service assistance for domestic violence prevention and to support a food pantry.
HUNTINGTON will receive $572,248 for infrastructure improvements to Crescent Street and ADA improvements to town hall.
LEICESTER will receive $335,200 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 7 units and design for ADA improvements to Russell Memorial park.
MARLBOROUGH will receive $799,455 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 10 units, roof repairs to Liberty Hill public housing, infrastructure improvements to Harrison Place and youth services.
METHUEN will receive $550,000 for ADA improvements to Broadway Street and social service assistance for youth services, childcare, elder transportation and adult literacy.
MILLBURY AND DUDLEY will receive $664,500 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 15 units, design for Pear-Maple infrastructure improvements in Millbury and design for Millbury senior center improvements.
MONTAGUE will receive $675,519 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 2 units, Avenue A streetscape improvements, design for Hillcrest playground improvements and to provide social services to include family counseling, recovery counseling, a meals program and youth services.
NORTH ADAMS will receive $825,000 for Liberty and North Holden Street improvements, senior center improvements and social services.
NORTH BROOKFIELD AND BROOKFIELD will receive $661,500 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 14 units and North Brookfield senior center improvements.
NORTHBRIDGE will receive $800,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 14 units and planning to prepare an area wide slum and blight inventory.
OAK BLUFFS, CHILMARK and TISBURY will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 25 units and to provide childcare assistance.
ORANGE will receive $575,342 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 5 units and social service assistance for disability services, mediation services, family counseling, adult education and a food pantry.
PALMER will receive $825,000 to provide housing rehabilitation to 15 units, Hyrniewicz Park design, a housing production plan and domestic violence prevention and transportation services.
ROCKLAND will receive $729,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 11 units and housing authority modernization.
SALISBURY will receive $550,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 8 units, design for Meanders Lane neighborhood improvements and social services assistance to Boys and Girls Club, childcare and homelessness and food pantry.
SHELBURNE will receive $787,832 for Bridge Street infrastructure improvements and to support a food pantry.
SOUTH HADLEY will receive $512,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 12 units and design for Center Street improvements.
SOUTHBRIDGE will receive $825,000 for West Street roadway improvements, McCann Field improvement and code enforcement.
SOUTHWICK will receive $468,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 6 units, design for North Lake Avenue infrastructure improvements and to support a food pantry.
TRURO, EASTHAM and PROVINCETOWN will receive $1,300,000 to provide housing rehabilitation assistance to 25 units and to provide childcare assistance.
WARE will receive $800,000 for Bank Street infrastructure improvements and social services assistance for domestic violence prevention, health services and literacy services.
WAREHAM will receive $825,000 for housing rehabilitation assistance to 8 units, Bayview Park sidewalk improvements, and support for a food pantry, homelessness prevention, Boys and Girls Club, and literacy and transportation services.
WEBSTER will receive $825,000 for Granite Street infrastructure improvements and downtown and Riverwalk improvements.
WEST SPRINGFIELD will receive $825,000 to provide public facilities improvements (Boys and Girls Club), Chapin Street infrastructure improvements, code enforcement, FTHB program, ESOL, employment training and Head Start.
WINCHENDON will receive $715,510 for Railroad Street infrastructure improvements and to provide fuel assistance.