On July 7, the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) posted a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for an American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) High Readiness Round. The NOFA can be viewed on COMMBUYS, the state’s online procurement record system.
According to the NOFA, DHCD will provide resources from ARPA fiscal recovery funds that the state authorized for affordable housing available to up to five multifamily rental projects that are highly ready to proceed. DHCD will accept applications on September 30. All applications must:
- Represent projects that have received all required zoning approvals and other major permits.
- Create new units.
- Represent projects with highly developed architectural materials.
- Include local matching funds or equivalent alternative sources of non-state funding.
- All applications must include a significant request for ARPA funds, with preference to applications for family housing projects.
Please review the NOFA for further eligibility requirements for projects.
Letters of Intent to apply are due to DHCD by July 21, 2022. Pre-applications will be due by August 15, 2022, and full applications will be due September 30, 2022. DHCD plans to make awards by November 15, 2022.