On July 29, the Legislature finalized the FY2022 state budget by completing its budget overrides, including a veto of $4.7 million in funding for the Residential Assistance for Families in Transition (RAFT) program in the final FY2022 state budget.
When the Governor signed the budget on July 16, he struck language from the RAFT program that would transfer $4.7 million to the emergency rental and mortgage assistance program from the Housing Preservation and Stabilization Trust Fund. With the override, RAFT will receive a total of $26.7 million in FY2022.
The final FY2022 state budget contains increased investments in many affordable housing programs over the previous fiscal year, including for the Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, Alternative Housing Voucher Program, public housing, and the Tenancy Preservation Program.
CHAPA thanks the House and Senate for overriding this veto to ensure that the program is able to serve as many families as possible facing a housing emergency. Thanks also to the Legislature and the Governor for supporting strong funding for so many affordable housing, community development, and homelessness prevention in the FY2022 state budget.
Table of Final FY2022 Funding Levels for CHAPA Priorities