On June 5th, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced housing vouchers to address homelessness among people in unsheltered settings and in rural communities across U.S. HUD is awarding $45 Million for 3,379 Stability Vouchers to 135 public housing authorities and partnering Continuum of Care (CoC) communities across the United States.
Massachusetts is set to receive 54 Stability Vouchers with $1,395,162 in funding. These grants and vouchers comprise a new kind of package of federal resources to help communities make continued progress in reducing homelessness. The Stability Voucher Program makes Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available through a competitive process to PHAs who are partnering with local Continuum of Care (CoCs) and/or Victim Service Providers to assist households experiencing or at risk of homelessness, those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, human trafficking, and veterans and families that include a veteran family member that meets one of the proceeding criteria.
For more details, visit HUD’s official announcement. The full list of PHAs to receive funding is available here.