The legislative work in the State House got fully underway on February 25 with the appointment of committee chairs and committee members.


For the Joint Committee on Housing, Speaker Mariano and Senate President Spilka made significant changes with the appointment of two new chairs, Representative Richard Haggerty of Woburn and Senator Julian Cyr of Truro.  Representative Adrianne Pusateri Ramos will serve as the House Vice Chair.  Senator Lydia Edwards, Senate Chair of the Committee last session, will stay on as Senate Vice Chair in addition to her new role as Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary.


(CHAPA sends a thanks and congratulations to Representative James Arciero as he moves from his role as Housing Committee Chair for last session to a new leadership opportunity heading up the Joint Committee on Transportation.)


More coming in the next several weeks as bills that were filed in January will be getting new numbers and will be assigned to committees of jurisdiction.  Expect committee hearings to be scheduled starting in the next few weeks.


Lots to be done!