- Federal Reserve Bank of Boston 2008 Issue 2: “New England Community Developments“
- Policy White Paper: “Unfinished Business: What the Next President Must Know About Housing and HUD“
- CHAPA Summary of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008
- National Preservation Working Group letter in response to the Federal Economic Stimulus package
Economic Stimulus Materials:
FY 2009 HUD Appropriations:
KEYNOTE ADDRESS PRESENTATION: Michael D. Goodman, PhD – “What’s Going on in the Economy?” WORKSHOP RESOURCES: 11:40 am – 12:40 pm: Update on Section 8 Funding and SEVRA Legislation Workshop Handouts:
- SEVRA III Possible Changes
- Voucher Utilization 2004-2008
- November 25, 2008 Housing Policy Practitioners Corner
Section 8 SEVRA Materials:
- NAHRO’s Views on S. 2684
- NAHRO’s Analysis of HR 1851 vs. S.2684
- NAHRO Policy and Advocacy Webcast: “Section Eight Voucher Reform Act of 2008” (S. 2684)
- Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) Analysis: Side-by-Side Comparison and Powerpoint Presentation
Other Voucher Reform Proposals: Testimony before the National Commission on Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Boston, Massachusetts on “HOW TO PROMOTE HOUSING INTEGRATION AND CHOICE THROUGH THE SECTION 8 VOUCHER PROGRAM”
11:40 am – 12:40 pm: Communications Strategies to Generate Support for Affordable Housing
- Organization Assessment Tool
- Communications Worksheet
- Karen Jeffreys Article: “Making Our Communications Strategic“
- Literature Review of Communications-Related Affordable Housing Research
11:40 am – 12:40 pm: Public Housing Funding and Revitalization Strategies The Future of Public Housing – Policy Framework
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm: State and Federal Approaches to the Foreclosure Crisis
- Kemple – Powerpoint Presentation
- CHAPA Summary: “Foreclosure Prevention Strategies – What Other States Are Doing”
- CHAPA Summary of Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program
- FDIC proposal on loan modifications
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm: The Impact of the High Cost of Utilities on Affordable Housing
- Response to the New England regional heating cost crisis
- Chretien Presentation – Impact of the High Cost of Energy
2:15 pm – 3:45 pm: Integrating Green Building Techniques into Affordable Housing Building Healthy Affordable Homes: 2:15 pm – 3:45 pm: Smart Growth Coalitions and Their Role in Affordable Housing
- Homes for New Hampshire’s Future: Conservation and Housing: Common Ground 2006
- Homes for New Hampshire’s Future: Land Use Tools for Affordable Housing
- New Hampshire Growth and Development Roundtable Video:
- Vermont Neighborhoods Program State Summary