Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our site. CHAPA is committed to providing accurate information and protecting the rights of our visitors. The following policy describes how we use any information gathered on our site.

Collection and use of on-line information for web statistics:

Please be assured that as you explore our site we do not collect any sensitive data that you would not want us to know without your consent. We only acquire personal information you submit through e-mail, on line forms or written correspondence.

The information we track includes the number of visitors to our site (and individual pages), the country from where the user is connecting, the browser being used, keywords from search engines and links from on-line directories used to find us. This information assists us with our site development. Our goal is to use any information we track to continue to make the site user friendly for all of our visitors.

Collection and use of personal information:

CHAPA uses any personal information you disclose, such as name, address, e-mail address or phone number, for the purposes of providing you additional information on the CHAPA organization or registering you for on-line services. While we need certain information for registrations, or a request for additional information, other requested information is optional and may be given at your discretion. Individuals who provide such information may periodically receive updates on CHAPA and upcoming events. At no time will CHAPA share your information with any other party.

Recording e-mail:

Should you decide to register for our on-line Consultant Directory, you will have the option of making your e-mail address public to CHAPA website users. You may also receive periodic e-mail notices from CHAPA. For those who provide us with their address for publication on the web, you may receive periodic mailings with information on CHAPA and upcoming events.

Any information you provide will not be accessible to any party besides the System Administrators unless otherwise authorized. They will not examine, nor allow others to examine the files or e-mail of users without permission except in situation where it is necessary for System Administrators to ensure or restore proper functioning of the system.

Secure transmission:

CHAPA provides a secure transmission on any section of our site that prompts you to enter a credit card number or bank information and submit it to us. We do not collect and assemble personal information for sale. Access to your information is only given to those qualified professionals who are assigned the job of meeting your request.

Please feel free to contact CHAPA should you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy.