January 12, 2007

Submitted by Admin Chapa on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 07:45


State Legislation Filed for 2007-2008 Session

CHAPA's state legislative priorities for the 2007-2008 session were timely filed by the January 10 deadline. The Senate and House Clerks are assigning docket numbers to the bills and referring them to committees. This information will be available on the General Court web site soon.

CHAPA's legislative priorities are part of a comprehensive approach to produce and preserve affordable homes, to help families and individuals buy and rent homes, and to assist homeowners who are experiencing financial difficulties. The Housing Bond Bill, the State Low Income Housing Tax Credit legislation, and the Homeownership Initiative for Weak Market areas address public housing modernization, housing production, and neighborhood revitalization. The Public Housing Innovation bill, at no additional cost to the Commonwealth, seeks regulatory relief for housing authorities and local innovative plans to redevelop and maintain public housing and to build new communities. The Employer Assisted Housing Bill will leverage private capital and make it easier for workers to afford housing, while the Foreclosure Prevention legislation will help people remain in their homes and preserve the equity in what is usually their largest asset. Our other priorities include clarifying t! he condominium fee statute, creating a statutory affordable housing covenant, and expediting abutter appeals (similar to what is already done in smart growth zoning districts).

CHAPA members are urged to contact their Representatives and Senators and ask them to cosponsor the bills on our priority list. The deadline for cosponsors to sign onto bills is January 22.

CHAPA Establishes FY 08 Budget Priorities

CHAPA's top budget priorities reflect the organization's view that the state must take a comprehensive approach toward providing affordable housing. Rental assistance (Massachusetts Rental Voucher Program, Alternative Housing Voucher Program, and Moving to Economic Opportunity), public housing, housing production (Affordable Housing Trust Fund), homeownership (SoftSecond Home Mortgage Program), and homelessness prevention and education (RAFT and Housing Consumer Education Centers). Governor Patrick's budget proposal will be submitted to the Legislature at the end of February. CHAPA has already started meeting with legislators and administration officials to make them aware of our priorities.

Governor Patrick Announces Undersecretary for Housing

Governor Deval Patrick and Secretary Dan O'Connell have announced the appointment of Tina Brooks as Undersecretary for Housing and Community Development. Tina has extensive experience in the community development field. She has been serving as the Director of the Boston Office for the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) since September, 2006, and she previously served as program director for LISC's Philadelphia office. She has also worked in various capacities in the private sector, including at GMAC and the Paramount Financial Group. CHAPA welcomes Tina to her new position and looks forward to working with her to advance a housing and community development agenda.

Affordable Housing Development Competition Seeks Developers

The Greater Boston Affordable Housing Development Competition is kicking off its seventh year. Sponsored by CHAPA, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce, and Kevin P. Martin and Associates, P.C., the competition provides students at Boston-area colleges and universities the opportunity to help find creative solutions to the challenge of developing affordable housing and to get to know the organizations and individuals active in the production of such housing.

The competition sponsors are seeking for-profit and non-profit developers who are interested in hosting student teams. Whether you are thinking about developing a particular site or just brainstorming about "what could be," the Affordable Housing Development Competition is a great way to explore your options. The competition also provides an opportunity to build relationships with bright, talented, graduate students — the next generation of community-based developers. Since its inception, the competition has connected more than 250 students and 24 developers, leading to 39 development proposals. We encourage you to participate in the competition by applying online www.fhlbboston.com/compete. If your organization would like to participate, please apply as soon as possible.

Expiring Use Database Updated

The Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC) has updated the database of expiring use properties in Massachusetts. The database is posted on CHAPA's web site. You can access it by clicking here.

Upcoming Events - Save the Dates

Friday, April 27, 2007, The City of Boston is sponsoring Housing Boston 2012, a forum taking stock of Boston's housing landscape and exploring its future needs. The forum will take place at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in South Boston. For more information email: housingboston2012@cityofboston.gov.

Saturday, April 28, 2007, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., CHAPA's Annual Conference on Resident Controlled Housing, Hyatt Hotel, Downtown Boston. A brochure will be sent out six weeks before the conference.

Log onto CHAPA's online calendar for regular updates on upcoming events and to register online for CHAPA events.
