Memphis Murder Mystery Revisited: Do Housing Voucher Households Cause Crime? (Furman Center)

Abstract Excerpt:

In recent years, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has greatly increased the absolute and relative size of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV or “voucher”) program. In 1980, the traditional public housing program was almost twice the size of the HCV program; by 2008, the voucher program was almost twice the size of public housing program. There were 2.2 million vouchers nationwide in 2008, compared to 1.2 million public housing units.

Although the academic and policy communities have welcomed this shift, community opposition to vouchers can be fierce (Galster et al. 2003). Local groups often express concern that voucher recipients will both reduce property values and heighten crime. Hanna Rosin gave voice to the latter worries in her widely-read article, “American Murder Mystery,” published in the Atlantic Magazine in August 2008. Despite the publicity, however, there is virtually no research that systematically examines the link between the presence of voucher holders in a neighborhood and crime. Our paper aims to do just this, using longitudinal, neighborhood-level crime and voucher utilization data in 10 large U.S. cities. We use census tracts to represent neighborhoods.