Renters in Foreclosure: A Fresh Look at an Ongoing Problem (NLIHC)

While the number of foreclosures has dramatically increased since NLIHC’s 2009 report, Renters in Foreclosure: Defining the Problem, Identifying Solutions, the estimated proportion of renters affected by foreclosures has remained relatively constant at 40 percent. That is, renters continue to constitute 40 percent of the families facing foreclosure of their homes. In this new report, which is an update of our 2009 report, we take a broader look at the issue of renters in foreclosure. This report summarizes NLIHC’s findings regarding renters in foreclosure and the PTFA and proposes key policy recommendations that will ensure that protections for renters stay in place, are strengthened and contribute to an expansion of the housing affordable to low income renters as rental markets continue to tighten.

Sham Manglik, MSPPM

National Low Income Housing Coalition
September 2012