The Working Poor Families Project Policy Brief: Low-Income Working Mothers and State Policy - February 18, 2014

The Working Poor Families Project Report
Low-Income Working Mothers and State Policy: Investing for a Better Economic Future 
In 2012, there were more than 10 million low-income working families with children in the United States, and 39 percent were headed by working mothers. The economic conditions for these families have worsened since the onset of the recession; between 2007 and 2012, there was a four percentage-point increase in the share of female-headed working families that are low-income. Addressing challenges specific to these families will increase their economic opportunity, boost the economy and strengthen the fabric of communities across the nation. 
Public policy can play a critical role in our future prosperity by reversing this trend and improving outcomes for low-income working mothers. Of particular interest is how state governments can best invest in helping working mothers gain the education, skills and 
supports necessary to become economically secure and provide a strong economic future for their children.
To read the full report please click here