Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure (COHIF): An Assessment of the Greater Four Corners Community Stabilization Pilot Project During the First Two Years - June 24, 2014

The Coalition for Occupied Homes in Foreclosure (COHIF) Community Stabilization Pilot is a bold and ambitious initiative. It targets a highly vulnerable population – mostly lower income homeowners who have experienced foreclosure and tenants of those buildings – in one of the poorest sections of Boston. Launched in 2012, its aim is to help families by creating and preserving long-term, affordable and secure living opportunities. At the same time, the program also promotes neighborhood stability. COHIF’s coordinator and members have demonstrated an enormous capacity and commitment to solve problems both proactively and as they have arisen.  

This report provides valuable feedback to COHIF as the Pilot continues, as well as to other groups contemplating or involved with similar initiatives. Ultimately, the goal of this work is to provide information that will assist advocates and policy makers to develop solutions that will enable foreclosed homeowners and their tenants, to continue living in their homes at affordable costs and with long-term security. The COHIF Pilot is demonstrating that another approach may, indeed, be possible.