Moving from Rhetoric to Results: Recommendations to Reduce Family Homelessness in Massachusetts - March 26, 2014

Moving from Rhetoric to Results: Recommendations to Reduce Family Homelessness in Massachusetts

Regional Housing Network of Massachusetts

The Regional Housing Network of Massachusetts has published a comprehensive new policy paper that provides a “roadmap” out of the current family homelessness crisis in Massachusetts.  As summarized in the accompanying press release and executive summary, the paper describes the structural causes for the large increase in the number of families and individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, and the decline in federal resources and shortage of state resources to help these families.  The authors make 18 specific recommendations, calling for increases in state-funded vouchers and as well as increases in resources that can help families raise their incomes in the long run.  The paper stresses several themes, including the importance of investing in programs that prevent homelessness and the need to coordinate programs and services to help families and individuals meet all their needs (including education, training and employment support, health care services, child care and transportation.