On July 27th, the Joint Committee on Ways and Means and the House Committee on Federal Stimulus and Census Oversight will be holding a virtual hearing on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funding focusing on housing.
The hearing will be live-streamed on the malegislature.gov website under the Hearings and Events tab. Written testimony may be submitted via email to Erin.Walsh@Mahouse.gov and SenateCommittee.Ways&Means@masenate.gov.
CHAPA will provide virtual testimony for the following general priorities:
Priority | Total Amount Requested | Detail(s) |
Affordable Rental Housing Production & Preservation | $200 Million | Rental Production & Preservation: $200 million |
Housing Rehabilitation | $100 Million | Housing Rehabilitation Projects: $100 million |
Homeownership | $500 Million | CommonWealth Builder Program (and other similar grants and loans): $200 Million
Expanded First-Time Homebuyer Opportunities: $300 Million |
Public Housing | $450 Million | Capital Public Housing Production and Repairs: $450 Million |
Acquisition | $50 Million | Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH): $50 million for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund |
Supportive Housing | $300 Million | Supportive Housing to End Homelessness: $300 Million |
Housing Stability | $83 Million | Statewide Right to Counsel Program: $78 million
Tenant Outreach and Housing Assistance: $5 million for community-based organizations and groups. |
Total Request | $1.683 Billion |