On Thursday March 24th, the Massachusetts Senate will be debating the FY2022 Supplemental budget proposal (S.2776). The Senate Ways & Means proposal includes $100 million for rental assistance through the Rental Assistance for Families in Transition Program (RAFT) same as the House allocation. The budget also extends renter protections that pause eviction cases for tenants who have a pending application for emergency rental assistance. These protections, which would have ended in April 2022, will now be in place through April 2023 (the House proposed the extension until March 2023).

CHAPA supports the following amendments for the Senate debate that would help expand RAFT allocation and increases the RAFT benefit amount.

# Program Sponsor Description

RAFT cap to $10,000

Sen. Keenan Increases funding to $200 million
16 RAFT Sen. Keenan Lifts the RAFT cap to $10,000 from the current $7,000
17 Rollover RAFT funds Sen. Keenan  

Allows carryover of unspent RAFT funds from FY2022 to next fiscal year


10 RAFT Sen. Gomez Increases funding to $200 million