Consultant Directory

CHAPA's Consultant Directory assists public and private entities find qualified consultants for important housing and planning projects at no cost.

The Directory is listed below in alphabetical order by last name. You can also use the search fields. Click on a listing to see the full details for each consultant. We encourage you to contact the agencies directly to get additional information, such as experience on comparable projects, references, and rates.

If you are a consultant and are interested in adding yourself to the directory, you must be an organizational or individual member of CHAPA. Once you are a member, there is a one-time $50 fee to be listed in the directory.

If you are a consultant and are looking to update your directory listing, please login to your account using the button below.

Please register using the button below to add your consultant information, and follow these step-by-step instructions for posting your listing. Please contact Jenna Connolly with any questions and login assistance.

Create a New Consultant Account
Login to Existing Consultant Account

Davis Square Architects, Inc.
New England
Merrimack Engineering Services, Inc.
New England
Karen Sunnarborg
New England
LDS Consulting Group, LLC
New England
Housing Partners, Inc.
PLUMMER - Water & Energy Efficiency Services