Housing News

November 16, 2012
What is VITA? ABCD provides free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) as part of the EITC Coalition, as led by Mayor Thomas M. Menino. We help residents prepare and electronically file tax returns. Thousands of individuals get the tax credits they deserve because of special people like you. The Financial Futures Initiative at ABCD would like to make sure that none of our residents in Boston are left out from getting the money they deserve. What Can I Do as a VITA Volunteer? ABCD is looking for volunteers to serve as…
November 15, 2012
According to language contained within the new policy document, "The Department of Housing and Community Development will offer, effective November 14, 2012, additional incentives to municipalities that adopt zoning districts promoting the Commonwealth’s strong interest in housing for working families of all incomes and in smart growth.  For purposes of this Policy, these zoning districts will be called “Compact Neighborhoods.”  This new tool complements Chapter 40R, the Commonwealth’s Smart Growth Overlay District statute."
November 14, 2012
Report finds changing demand for housing in Greater Boston, calls for emphasis on transit-oriented, higher density development
November 8, 2012
The National Low Income Housing Coalition recently came out in favor of a cap to the Mortgage Interest Rate tax deduction. The specifics of their proposal can be read here. While the Center on Budget Policy Priorities has recently proposed a renter's tax credit to promote equity and advance a more balanced national housing policy.
October 15, 2012
Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston needs volunteers to eliminate housing discrimination & promote open communities. We need civic-minded individuals interested in social justice to help document housing discrimination so we can challenge it through administrative and legal systems. Flexibility & minimal time commitment Paid stipends Training required Trainings will be held on October 19, 2012 and October 27, 2012 RSVP REQUIRED
October 12, 2012
State Updates Patrick Administration Releases FY’13 Capital Budget 
October 9, 2012
Capital plan focuses on Housing Investments, Higher Education, Job creation and Infrastructure Investments BOSTON – Tuesday, October 9, 2012 – Governor Deval Patrick today unveiled his Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-2017 Capital Investment Plan, which continues the Patrick-Murray Administration's efforts to support long-term economic growth and stimulate job creation by calling for significant investments in higher education, transportation, economic development, housing and other infrastructure and assets.
October 2, 2012
  The Basics of the Comprehensive Permit Process (pre-conference session)

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