Housing News

June 20, 2011
WASHINGTON – U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan announced today $60 million in housing counseling and counseling training grants to nearly 500 national, state, and local agencies. Please click here for the full press release.
June 20, 2011
BOSTON – The Community Preservation Act (CPA) trust fund payment distributed this week to 135 eligible municipalities was the lowest since the program began, according to data from the state Department of Revenue (DOR). The FY10 base payment of a 34.8 percent match to locally raised funds is over 65 percent lower than the dollar for dollar match received in the first six years of the CPA program. DOR estimates that the distribution will fall again next fiscal year, likely as low as 28 percent for many communities.
June 20, 2011
Thousands of foreclosed homes continue to have clouded titles after Judge Keith Long of the Massachusetts Land Court reaffirmed his March decision stating lenders without properly accorded assignments cannot foreclose. Please click here for the full article.
June 20, 2011
  Action Alert: Contact your member of Congress to urge support of Consensus Low Income Housing Tax Credit Proposals  
June 20, 2011
For more detail on the budget cuts, please click here. Click here for MACDC's budget analysis.
June 20, 2011
MACDC has released the Funding Application from the MA Division of Banks 2010 funding for Regional Foreclosure Education Centers and Foreclosure Prevention, and First-Time Homebuyer Counseling Programs. Grants are for one year, starting in January. Applications are due on October 30 and inquiries are being accepted until October 20th. Questions about the application should be directed to Mayte Rivera at the DOB. Please click here for the application.
June 20, 2011
From Enterprise Community Partners - On September 30, President Obama signed into law a conference report that contains the continuing resolution to fund most of the federal government until October 31. The resolution was included as part of the FY 2010 Legislative Branch Appropriations Act (HR 2918) which passed the Senate earlier that day by a vote of 62-38, previously by the House on September 25. The Continuing Resolution (CR) provides funding for government activities at FY 2009 levels.
June 20, 2011
The Obama administration is close to rolling out two initiatives aimed at addressing lingering problems from the financial crisis: A long-delayed effort to cleanse financial firms of their toxic assets, and a $35 billion plan to prop up state programs that help lower-income borrowers get affordable mortgages. Please click here for the full article.
June 20, 2011
Massachusetts home sales rose for the second consecutive month, climbing 2 percent in August year-over-year, but condominium sales continued to slump, according to a new report from The Warren Group. Please click here for the full article.

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