Housing News

April 10, 2017
Massachusetts Housing Partnership, DHCD, MassHousing, and MassDevelopment have released a new, updated Ch. 40B handbook that is designed to help municipal zoning board of appeals understand and manage the comprehensive permit process. Click here for more information.
April 3, 2017
CHAPA is saddened to learn of the loss of Senator Donnelly, an advocate for affordable housing and for those experiencing homelessness in Massachusetts. Our thoughts are with Senator Donnelly's family, friends, and colleagues at this time. More about the Senator's life here. 
March 29, 2017
The Baker-Polito Administration announced a total of $20 million in awards to seven affordable housing projects in Massachusetts, to support the creation and preservation of 177 supportive housing units for homeless families and individuals, veterans, the elderly and individuals with disabilities. The awarded projects will provide affordable rental housing to extremely low-income families and individuals, and provide wraparound services to residents.
March 24, 2017
On March 22nd, the Massachusetts Legislature passed a supplemental budget for FY2017. The budget included $21 million more for the Emergency Assistance (EA) family shelter program to address the deficiency in the account (line item 7004-0101). The Supplemental Budget is currently before the Governor for his signature.
March 17, 2017
On March 16, the Administration released its Budget Blueprint, also called its “Skinny Budget”, providing far less detail than budgets released by previous administrations and even less detail than the preliminary proposals leaked last week.  The skinny budget eliminates at least four HUD programs including CDBG and HOME and proposes deep cuts overall to
March 9, 2017
Chris Estes, President and CEO of National Housing Conference, released a statement today regarding the leaked budget documents referencing a potential $6 billion cut to HUD.
March 9, 2017
Read CHAPA's March Housing Briefs for state updates, federal updates, and recent research and reports!  
March 7, 2017
DHCD is seeking comments on its Draft FY2018 Moving to Work (MTW) Plan.  MTW is a federal demonstration program that allows a limited number of public housing authorities flexibility in administering housing assistance to increase cost effectiveness, promote economic self-sufficiency, and improve housing choices for low-income families.
March 6, 2017
Job Opening Policy AssociateCitizens’ Housing and Planning Association

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