Housing News

March 1, 2017
In 2011 MAPC released The State of Equity in Metro Boston, an inventory of cross-sectoral indicators that measured inequity in the region through the various stages of life, from birth to old age.
February 28, 2017
On Februray 24th, the Department of Housing and Community Development  (DHCD) and MassHousing announced a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for a new Community Scale Housing Initiative (CSHI) - a collaboration between the agencies to support small-scale projects in smaller cities and towns across the Commonwealth.  
February 21, 2017
On February 17th, Governor Baker filed a $259 million supplemental budget for underfunded programs in the current FY2017 state budget. The Governor provided nearly $21 million more for Emergency Assistance (7004-0101) family shelter system. This would bring total spending for Emergency Assistance shelters in FY2017 to $176 million. The budget also amends the foreclosure counseling program (7006-0011) to allow these funds to be used for Housing Consumer Education Centers (HCECs).
February 17, 2017
The Massachusestts House of Representatives and Senate made their legislative committee assignments this week.   Rep. Kevin Honan was reappointed as House Chair of the Joint Committee on Housing. Sen. Joseph Boncore was appointed as the new Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Housing.  Other members of the Legislature assigned to the Housing Committee include:
February 8, 2017
Read CHAPA's February Housing Briefs for state updates, federal updates, and recent research and reports!  
February 6, 2017
CHAPA welcomes the new members of the Massachusetts State Legislature. We look forward to working with you on affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development issues. Sen. Julian Cyr Sen. Adam Hinds Sen. Walter Timilty Rep. Mike Connolly Rep. Will Crocker Rep. William Driscoll Rep. Dylan Fernandes Rep. Solomon Goldstein-Rose Rep. Natalie Higgins Rep. Jack Lewis Rep. Juana Matias Rep. Joan Meschino Rep. Brian Murray Rep. Chynah Tyler Rep. Bud Williams
January 31, 2017
As the new legislative session begins, we ask for you to please reach out to your State Representative and State Senator to ask them to co-sponsor key bills in support of CHAPA’s Legislative Agenda for affordable housing, homelessness prevention, and community development in Massachusetts.
January 30, 2017
Our 2016 Annual Report is out! Thank you for your partnership and strong support as we advocate for safe, healthy, and affordable homes for all.

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