Housing News

August 3, 2016
Read CHAPA's August Housing Briefs for state updates, federal updates, and recent research and reports!  
July 18, 2016
Read CHAPA's July Housing Briefs for state updates, federal updates, and recent research and reports!  
July 15, 2016
On July 15, the Senate approved by unanimous consent housing reform legislation that will deliver important benefits to low-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities.  The House had passed H.R. 3700 earlier this year in an extraordinary 427-0 vote after full debate.  The President is expected to sign the bill.
July 8, 2016
The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development is the designated allocating agency for the new federal affordable housing program – the National Housing Trust Fund, or HTF.  At the federal level, the HTF will be administered by the U.S.
June 23, 2016
Newton Mayor Setti Warren unveiled a housing plan for Newton today that he says will not only provide diverse housing options, but will help preserve the characteristics and values Newton has embodied. Mayor Warren also serves on the United States Conference of Mayors’ advisory board, chairing the Community Development and Housing Committee. “This is a recognition that the city is changing, and it’s an attempt to preserve what we love about Newton, while giving people of all backgrounds an opportunity to live here,” he said. “It would all be in jeopardy if we do nothing.”
June 22, 2016
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
June 16, 2016
The Center for Community Recovery Innovations (CCRI) is currently seeking proposals for one-time funding to promote affordable sober housing and supportive services in Massachusetts. Please see the full RFP for details.
June 16, 2016
HUD proposed a rule to require use of small area FMRs in metro areas where voucher use is overly concentrated.  Comments are due August 15. Click here for more information: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-06-16/pdf/2016-13939.pdf
June 16, 2016
Maurice Jones, Virginia’s commerce secretary and a former HUD official, has been chosen to serve as LISC’s new president and CEO. He succeeds Michael Rubinger, who will step down after 17 years as CEO. Jones brings to the leadership role a career’s worth of business, management and policy experience and an enduring personal commitment to improving communities and the lives of low-income Americans.

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